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Message Of The Day - 25th March 2021 is a reminder to keep that love flowing no matter what disturbances are going on around you.

You could be attacked here in some form or other, verbally, mentally or physically and there is a need to protect your energies. There could be nasty words or some unfair treatment of some kind going on and it will really test your patience, strength and resilience.

By practicing love, kindness and compassion on yourself and towards others, you attract more of the same for yourself and keep more balance and peace within.

There is a need to be strong, courageous and to stand up and rise above it all. Remember you are in charge of your feelings, nobody else. What you choose to acknowledge or let go is up to you.

Challenges are sent to test us, to test our abilities to see not only how we cope but to see if we have learnt from the lessons. You will already have gained so much knowledge and understanding.

For some, there is a need to say, just focus on you and you alone. It doesn’t matter what someone else is saying or doing to destroy your inner peace, what counts is what truly matters to you.

The storm is nearly over, there are a few challenges still yet to go but you have got this, you’ve come such a long way and you’ve shown great strength and passion along the route and you will be rewarded, the scales will be balanced and you will be at peace again.

If you would like to book a private reading then please do so via

(Today’s Decks - Natures Whispers, Angela Hartfield & Josephine Wall and Archangel Animals, Diana Cooper.)

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